What Happened To Cory Doctorow from Boing Boing?

Cory Doctorow was one of Boing Boing’s most visible contributors for over a decade. He wrote prolifically about copyright, technology, and politics, and was a vocal advocate for free speech. But in February 2021, Doctorow abruptly departed from the popular blog, leaving many readers wondering what happened. In this blog post, we’ll look at Doctorow’s departure from Boing Boing, exploring the reasons behind it, the controversies that surrounded it, and the implications for the blog’s future.

Cory Doctorow’s History with Boing Boing

Cory Doctorow joined Boing Boing in 2004, becoming a regular contributor and editor. He wrote about topics ranging from copyright and technology to politics and pop culture. In addition to his writing, Doctorow was also an outspoken advocate for free speech and open-source technology. His posts were always thought-provoking and well-researched, and his presence was a major factor in the blog’s success.

Cory Doctorow’s Departure from Boing Boing

In February 2021, Doctorow announced his departure from Boing Boing in a brief statement. He cited no specific reasons for his departure, saying only that it was the “right time” for him to leave. His announcement set off a wave of speculation, as readers were left to wonder what had happened.

The Reasons Behind Cory Doctorow’s Departure

Although Doctorow provided no specific reasons for his departure, there have been several potential explanations. One of the most widely-circulated rumours was that Doctorow had become increasingly unhappy with Boing Boing’s direction. This was reportedly due to a disagreement over the blog’s editorial stance, with Doctorow feeling that the site had become too commercialized and had moved away from its original mission.

Another rumour was that Doctorow had been unhappy with Boing Boing’s relationship with its parent company, Gizmodo Media Group. Doctorow had reportedly become frustrated with the company’s management and felt that they weren’t adequately supporting the blog.

Regardless of the reasons, Doctorow’s departure from Boing Boing was a major event in the blogosphere. His absence left a void in the blog that will be hard to fill.

The Controversies Surrounding Cory Doctorow’s Departure

The news of Doctorow’s departure was met with controversy, as some readers accused Boing Boing of mistreating Doctorow or failing to recognize his contributions to the blog. Others accused the blog of censorship, claiming that Doctorow had been silenced for speaking out against the parent company.

The allegations were never substantiated, and it’s likely that the truth is more nuanced. Regardless, the controversy surrounding Doctorow’s departure has caused some readers to question Boing Boing’s commitment to free speech and open dialogue.

The Implications for Boing Boing’s Future

Doctorow’s departure will undoubtedly have an effect on Boing Boing’s future. His absence will leave a void in the blog’s content, as he was one of its most visible contributors. Additionally, the controversy surrounding his departure has caused some readers to question the blog’s commitment to free speech and open dialogue.

It remains to be seen how Boing Boing will respond to Doctorow’s departure, but it’s clear that the blog will have to make some changes in order to regain the trust of its readers.


Q: Why did Cory Doctorow leave Boing Boing?

A: Doctorow provided no specific reasons for his departure, but it is believed that he became increasingly unhappy with Boing Boing’s direction and its relationship with its parent company, Gizmodo Media Group.

Q: What effect will Cory Doctorow’s departure have on Boing Boing’s future?

A: Doctorow was one of the blog’s most visible contributors, and his absence will leave a void in its content. Additionally, the controversy surrounding his departure has caused some readers to question the blog’s commitment to free speech and open dialogue.

Hayden Parker
Hayden Parker
Articles: 21